[REPORT] Yoon Seok-yeol and Han Dong-hoon's Fabrication of "Choi Soon-sil Tablet PC" Used in Park Geun-hye's Impeachment (Timeline)

Yoon Seok-yul and Han Dong-hoon's roles in covering up the tampering of the Choi Soon-sil Tablet

미디어워치 편집부 mediasilkhj@gmail.com 2024.04.24 20:41:27

[Editor's note] This report was written in English in November 2023 to brief "Korea Watcher" analysts and journalists in the Anglo-American sphere on Yoon Suk-yeok and Han Dong-hoon's tablet manipulation investigation, a treasonous crime committed by South Korean prosecutors.

Yoon Seok-yeol and Han Dong-hoon's
Fabrication of "Choi Soon-sil Tablet PC"
Used in Park Geun-hye's Impeachment

On October 24, 2016, the JTBC broadcaster reported a scoop that a private citizen named Choi Seo-won (Choi Soon-sil) had intervened in state affairs behind President Park Geun-hye's back. As evidence, they brought up a mobile device dubbed the "Choi Soon-sil Tablet PC."

At the time, prosecutors claimed that they had received the "Choi Soon-sil Tablet PC" from the JTBC broadcasting company just before they aired the scoop. The prosecution subsequently officialized all JTBC's reports as being valid. This "Choi Soon-sil Tablet PC" was used as core physical evidence in President Park Geun-hye's trial on charges of leaking official secrets.

When prosecutors announced the results of their investigation to the effect that the president had passed state secrets to a private citizen, a serious controversy over Park’s qualifications as a leader ensued. President Park was eventually impeached only five months after JTBC reported the "Choi Soon-sil Tablet PC” scoop.

The following summarized in chronological order Yoon Seok-yeol and Han Dong-hoon's roles in the "Choi Soon-sil Tablet" evidence tampering and cover-up.

미디어워치 편집부 mediasilkhj@gmail.com

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